"Saralina Love is one of those truly rare phenomena that Divine Providence elects as a pontifex, or bridge, to span the gap between actuality and possibility, between what humankind believes to be true and what is sensed intuitively to be true.  

"Ms. Love is about that uncommon depth, the stuff of genius which we all recognize immediately, that comes along in a rarefied embodiment to remind us all what this life is and what it is for." Paul Jones, Engineer & Concert Pianist 


"Saralina Love is a facilitator, a guide, a beacon, a light that shines. reflecting the personal journey of humanity. When she sings, she effortlessly aligns soul to soul with each person. Her singing is not a performance, but a communion, a sacred meeting. She channels each soul's, each elements unique call opening a portal for the being to explore their infinite essence...She is the teacher of the angel inside." – Oriana 


“Saralina Love is one of the leading experts in human transformation. She uses music and yoga in order to bring a larger consciousness of life and purposes to people everywhere. She is not only a sensitive visionary but she also understands the practical problems of life in the troubled world. – Rashmi Mayur, Ph.D, President, Global Futures Network, Bombay, India, United Nations Social Scientist  


“Having personally experienced the expressions guided through Ms. Love’s being in sound and words, and having had several major personal breakthroughs as a result of these experiences, I want to communicate to others the power and abilities she has.  

"There is the performer with the celestial voice opening up the heart and mind of the listener to the power and light of our divinity.  

"There is the teacher who guides one to access the knowledge, beauty, and strength that is within each of us. And there is the human being who incarnates the love and caring that we long for to be complete. I saw each of these qualities being expressed and manifested in her dealings and work with others during her stay at Omega Institute." – Arthur Rashap, Department Head, Guest Services, Omega Institute  


“Thank You Saralina – for you were the hands in which I could see… I feel the love encouraging me to keep walking toward light & empowerment of believing and knowing the Unseen. The love from your hands are definitely blocking & pushing away any fear I may come upon. I cannot thank You enough. You truly are the works of Love & God."  – Mary Ann St. John


"There is no doubt in my mind that Saralina Love has been chosen to bring through the voice of the celestial realm and she does it with such an incredibly unforgettable presence and ease that is absolutely mesmerizing!!" 
Sheridan Phyll Marie 


"Saralina Love has a beautiful presence and talent known by millions of people all over the world.
Her voice brings peace and harmony to everybody on this earth." 
Mustafa C. Comlekcioglu


"Ms Love shimmered ethereal, like an apparition of a divine form. Her voice, a sine wave bridging manifest creation with angelic realms, celestial light.  We sat transported, transfigured, by her hymns, poetry and divine dance of ecstasy...

"Saralina's voice seems to pick up where choir-like voices echoing of vaulted stone cathedral walls, leave off. Her tones seemed to me to follow from the lineage of Gregorian chant, but somehow they are just more pure, and I felt as if I was hearing sounds from transcendent worlds that could only be heard in places where the vibrational quality of the audience permitted divine expression on earth."  Stephen Harper, Review
"When I was in New York City recently, I had an amazing experience. At a service I attended, a young woman named Saralina Love got up and sang one song. It was a song without words, and I never had heard anything like it before.

"All I can say is that it sounded like the Original Sound of God. It came through Saralina and was the clearest and most powerful spiritual call I have ever heard. I thought I was going to dissolve right on the spot.

"Hearing Saralina's singing is hearing the Sound of Eternity."  A. Bushnell, musician

"Saralina Love is one of those truly rare phenomena that Divine Providence elects as a pontifex, or bridge, to span the gap between actuality and possibility, between what humankind believes to be true and what is sensed intuitively to be true. This is no small matter. The greatest minds of every culture and of every age unanimously speak of another world, that to truly live is to surpass oneself, folding back to that astonishing part of us that partakes of this still point.

Ms. Love gives audible life to this stillness, this possibility, both through her singing and speech. As a result, she is able to touch the deepest recesses of the heart, moving them into alignment with the world behind appearances, the world, which the greater part of humanity yearns for now as never before.

Stated differently, Saralina is about that uncommon depth, the stuff of genius which we all recognize immediately, that comes along in a rarefied embodiment to remind us all what this life is and what it is for.

As a concert veteran of some forty years, and as someone who, himself, has performed with some of the very greatest musicians in the world, I can say without qualification that Saralina Love is in a class by herself, embodying ideals both musically and personally that situate her as a harbinger of the kind artist this planet of our demands. Fortunate indeed are those, like myself, who, having heard, knew, and having known, were forever changed. This is Ms. Love's legacy, her gift to the people of the Earth." Paul Jones, Concert Pianist


"Saralina Love's voice, her sounds, her tones, her songs, are the echoes of the origins of the One frequency. Her singing carries the resonance, the truth, the purity, the divinity of the beginning, the history of humankind. She sings all beings' heart song, all beings' original language:  Wholeness.

"Her voice expresses the chants of the universe and the tones of all entities. She expresses the collective love of all creatures. Her being radiates the presence of home. She holds the light for all to come forth out of darkness...She gently speaks the message of God's Heart reminding them of the angel inside. Her heavenly voice is a choir of each Soul's dreams. She expresses to live what you Love!

"Ms. Love is a facilitator, a guide, a beacon, a light that shines. reflecting the personal journey of humanity. When she sings, she effortlessly aligns soul to soul with each person. Her singing is not a performance, but a communion, a sacred meeting. She channels each soul's, each elements unique call opening a portal for the being to explore their infinite essence...She is the teacher of the angel inside....

"The one who sings is said to carry forth the torch of the light of the voice of God. For they express the spirit of the vibration of sounds within the universe, to inspire and give great upliftment to for the souls to go forth and reveal the gifts, the messages, of the "sounding of trumpets from heaven" which shall be the captains on the voyage of the new arc to freedom. Saralina Love is the soul who has long shared her love of the One.

"Her singing transmutes separation into oneness, forgiveness replaces rage, each person feels that they are known, they are accepted, they float and fly in the love. She wants each person to know they are home. Spirits gather to bask in the glow of the angel of the infinite love."  Oriana

"Saralina, You were amazing last night at the Martin Gray benefit. Thanks for raising up the already wonderful vibrations at that gathering. You have a beautiful gift. Blessings!   David Cates, Sedona, Arizona

"I felt my heart open and burst wide to a freedom and perpetual Love that I was touched to tears that deeply healed me upon hearing Saralina Love."   Judith, Mount Shasta


"The soul of All That Is singing through the vocal chords of Saralina Love creates a resonant vibration that gently opens the portals of the heart. With the portals of the heart wide open the room immediately fills with the energy of the eternal self, soul-essence, wherein all present may taste of the divine banquet.  Anchoring of this collective consciousness attunes those present to the highest vibrations of pure love and the personal truths it embodies."   Sheridan Marie

As a Teacher and Healing Facilitator

"Saralina Love is one of the leading experts in human transformation. She uses music and yoga in order to bring a larger consciousness of life and purposes to people everywhere. She is not only a sensitive visionary but she also understands the practical problems of life in the troubled world.

“I hope she will participate in the Social Summit organized by the United Nations from 5 March in Copenhagen, Denmark, where at least 20,000 governmental and non-governmental delegates are meeting in order to plan for a new social order beyond 1995. This conference would benefit greatly from the participation of Ms. Love.”  Rashmi Mayur, Ph.D, President, Global Futures Network, Bombay, India, United Nations Social Scientist


"Having personally experienced the expressions guided through Saralina's being in sound and words, and having had several major personal breakthroughs as a result of these experiences, I want to communicate to others the power and abilities she has.

"There is the performer with the celestial voice opening up the heart and mind of the listener to the power and light of our divinity. There is the teacher who guides one to access the knowledge, beauty, and strength that is within each of us. And there is the human being who incarnates the love and caring that we long for to be complete.

"I saw each of these qualities being expressed and manifested in her dealings and work with others during her stay at Omega Institute. I experienced these personally in the various exercises and processes we shared.

"I was privileged to have shared personal discussions and interactions which brought up and cleared blockages in my life and opened me to work effectively and creatively on new projects which had been lying dormant."  Arthur Rashap, Omega Institute, Department Head, Guest Services 

An Angel who can Sing a Million Songs without any Words by Donald L. Shapiro

"There is a magnificent line in Patty Griffin's song "Mary" It goes like this: "She's covered in Birds, who can sing a million songs without any words."

If Patty could be in the presence of Saralina Love.. to hear her pure and angelic voice, her peaceful words and to witness her celestial beauty, she might easily change the name of the song to "Sarah"...or at the very least devote a new song to “Sarah” now known as Saralina Love.

I say this as a humble man, living in New Mexico, now in my 60's, a musician of sorts and a lifetime true-badour for healing music and loving-kindness. I have had the privilege to meet and spend a little time with Saralina, traveling on an inward and galactic journey through her music and her loving spirit.

Saralina’s music, on the Sanctuary CD as well as all of her work, was not created, I believe, as background music to play while multi-tasking. Nevertheless if that is when you play music, no problem..it will flow into your soul, and before you know it, you will be listening, entranced, dropping everything that has so far occupied you...

So, how do I think Saralina's music would be appreciated mostly? I find that I am longing to hear her voice, listen to her songs, when I am in a peaceful place in myself, and want to celebrate Creation, Light, Compassion, and Goodness. Here, Saralina brings completeness.

Yet, I, also, long to listen when I feel a need for self-healing, when I am feeling noisy, uncentered, distracted from what matters most, and am wishing for God's mercy.

Here, her music brings release, tranquility, joy and peace, transforming my chaotic space into a sacred harmonious haven. Nothing else is needed. Really..Nothing.

As a guitarist, I admit that there have been times when I plugged my guitar and Mp3 player into my jamming setup, put on my headphones and improvised a private duet with Saralina! Or, maybe it is really a trio, Saralina, my Guitar, and Heaven! I have shared Saralina Love's music with loved ones and friends, who listen when they are meditating (or should I say, meditating when they are listening?).

I listened once when I was reading "Dream of the Earth," by the late Eco-Sage, Thomas Berry, and the last chapter of "The Man Who Planted Trees," by Jean Giorno. I believe they might have listened to Saralina Love while writing their next book,

Final words..Get hold of Saralina Love's CDs, listen often, share it with your loved ones. Be peace."

Donald L. Shapiro

A Letter from Mary Ann St. John

Thank You Saralina - for you Were the hands in which I Could See... I feel the love Encouraging me to keep walking toward light & Empowerment of believing and knowing the Unseen. The love from your hands are definately blocking & pushing away any fear I may come upon.

I Cannot thank You Enough. You truly are the Works of Love & God - And I Would love to learn from your hands as you truly have so Much to teach.

Thank You Saralina, Thank You! Mary Ann St. John read more


Ariya's Cosmic Show
Saralina's popular inspirational talk show

"Dear Saralina: You have inspired me beyond words. Your show is one of the few programs that I truly enjoy."  Nathan


"One evening, I watched Ariya's Cosmic Show - Saralina Love's TV program, and I was so amazed about Saralina’s energy. I believe in my heart that she has and will touch people with her message and her show. Please put her show back on, I’m sure I am not the only one who feels this way. Thank you."  Natascha Dandridge


“I was amazed at the power and strength you showed when you spoke on your show. I noticed that every word, every action counted and they were very powerful!” Cindy
